Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Session 1

The party awoke, cold and alone, in a cryo chamber deep in the bowels of a mysterious ship.  None of them could remember who they were or why they were there. Downloading a map of the ship, the decided to set out as a group.

Upon exploring the the ship, they stumbled across a scavenger robot actively dismantling the ship. One of the party, a dandy looking warlock assuming himself to most likely have some kind of loyalty to the vessel, attacked the robot. The wizard followed his lead and soon the robot was defeated.

As the party moved on, they came across a large shaft bisecting their path, and a missing causeway section impeding it. The gravity plates in this room were malfunctioning and so simply jumping the gap would prove to be dangerous. Indeed, it was here that the sorceress fell into the dark abyss below.

Not far beyond their first loss of a party member, they came upon a generator room with large damaged plasma coils. The ensuing arcs molded their path through the room. Luckily, the volume of the generator masked the wizard and dandy's approach as they stealthily dispatched a group of scavengers. This time, though, they were not robots and in the midst of the fight, one of them managed to escape the party.

Following their prey, the dandy was injured when they stumbled upon another scavenger robot. With the help of the rest of the party, however, this opponent too was overcome and they hurried along their path. They discovered that their query had managed to get himself killed as he inadvertently activated a missiles thrusters while running from his assailants. Another warlock in the party, one with a prowess in technical devices, deactivated the thrusters and opened the path.

Referencing their map, they party saw that they were closing in on a hangar bay. With luck, there would be a ship there and they could make their way to civilization. Luck would be on their side, but with a twist.

Upon opening the door to the hangar, a group of armed scavengers, startled, turned to meet them..